When you have 20 lists this app just orders them left to right according to creation date, so if I add a new list I have to swipe right through 19 other lists to get to it! I’d like to be able to determine my own order. I only wish this IOS version allowed me to set the order in which my lists are presented manually - the order in which lists appear (not their contents - that can already be ordered in several ways). My practice is to use a task named “-“ and continuously re-order the list so that anything above it must be completed today, below it are all the other 100+ short term objectives, sorted and re-shuffled throughout the day - but nothing ever falls off until I complete it. One for each person I assign action items to at work, one for books and films I’m interested in, project ideas etc, and of course a daily prioritized task list. I’m a bit of a lists junkie and probably a power user. Start managing your to-do list on the go with the Tasks planner app from Google. Take control of your task management and install Google Tasks. Connect with your team seamlessly using one suite: Gmail, Tasks, Calendar & more.Leverage Google’s AI to bring data insights and analysis to every employee.Bring Google's suite of powerful, intelligent apps to your business.

Receive due date notification reminders to keep your tasks on track.Organize your tasks by date or prioritize using drag-and-drop.Set a due date for every task to help you achieve your goals.Stay on track with due dates and notifications View your tasks in the side panel of Gmail.

Integrations with Gmail and Google Calendar help you get tasks done-faster. Manage, capture, and edit your tasks from anywhere, at anytime, with to-dos that sync across all your devices.